About Us


6West Coffee Roasters is a division of 6West Farm Inc.

6West is:
Jamie (the farmer and roaster)
Jill (the coffee taster and farm wife)
and our four girls - Essie, Sophia, Eva & Annie ♡

In 2009, we were living in a city, had a young family, and Jamie was working a job he was good at but didn’t love. He came to me one day and started the conversation with “you are going to think I’m crazy but….”

That crazy led us to moving back to his home town of Three Hills, Alberta and starting the process of taking over his parent’s family farm, which was then called West Acres Farm. We loved the farm life and settled quickly into small town living. It definitely didn’t take long to adjust to the country and all the good hard work that came with the farm. Taking that leap and having the space to dream led to the story of the coffee....


years ago when Jamie started watching videos on how to roast coffee. This desire came from wanting excellent coffee at an affordable price. Our palettes were changing as we were introduced to small batch, hand roasted fresh coffee. Prior to this we were bulk bean buying, cream adding (even flavored cream….I’m talking the stuff that isn’t even cream and doesn’t need to be refrigerated …sick! Oh how thankful I am that we can grow and change!!!) everyday coffee drinkers.


Once introduced to freshly roasted coffee there was NO turning back. We became interested in the coffee, the bean, the farmer, and the process. Jamie started researching and learning and dreaming of how to do the roasting himself. Honestly it’s a lot like anything else, once you discover how things should be, or taste, its easy to be no longer satisfied with imitation…..
We started ordering green beans, learning how these beans were sourced and thinking about the farmers who grew these seeds. It was important to us, and exciting as farmers ourselves, to know they were getting payed properly for the work they were doing and the product they were producing. We became interested in the counties, regions and areas of the beans we enjoyed the most.

Believe it or not Jamie was roasting these beans in a popcorn popper out in our shop on the farm. BUT we did it! We had fresh roasted coffee and it was awesome! We even drank it black!!

As the passion grew so did the knowledge of coffee. Every birthday and Christmas present was a book or brewing device, coffee tool, filters ect…finally after growing out of a popcorn popper it was time for a counter top roaster. This opened up a world of learning and understanding the actual bean and the process it goes through to be roasted. Years of roasting, learning and drinking and talking led to the discussion of actually making a go of this roasting thing.

6West Coffee Roasters         

After more coffee research and investing in some courses eventually led to the purchase of our Diedrich roaster and building the roastery in our shop on our farm outside of Three Hills Alberta.

In June of 2017 we roasted our first batch of 6West coffee.

We are very proud of the beans we purchase, confident in the farmers we use, and happy to pay them for their hard work. Our commitment to the consumer is to roast beans to ensure optimal flavor so that you can enjoy every cup of 6West coffee.
We are excited to offer our customers delicious, small batch, freshly hand roasted and ethically sourced, 6West coffee!

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your day!

"Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it to the glory of God."   1 Cor. 10:31